Wednesday 20 July 2016

Love Life Center South Africa

July 19-20, 2016 Day 4 and Day 5

Molo! Kunjani? Ndiphilile enkisi.

So this is some of the Xhosa language we have been learning. I just said, "Hello! How are you?  I am fine." We are taking language lessons everyday for and hour and a half a day. I wish I could speak like they do it is a beautiful language.

The last two days, beside taking language lesson classes, we have spent our time at the Love Life Center. This amazing center focuses on youth teaching other youth about Aids and HIV. Besides doing this amazing feat they are also changing lives through groundbreaking. They hire ten young people they call "ground breakers"which get paid 2000 rand a month (that sounds like a lot to us but it is around $139.55 US and before they get taxes taken out). These ground breakers then go out and recruit 5 more youth to receive training. These youth are allowed to go into schools to set up booths which educate young South Africans about Aids and Aid protection.  Thanks to Volkswagen for providing funding to begin this program.

On July 19 while we were there it was National Aids Awareness so we were honored to be able to participate in their ceremony with the lighting of candles to not only celebrate but to remember those that have died from Aids. There is so much this center does for the youth and children in the community that I have only told you a tiny little piece of it.

Today, July 20, Einstein (one of the past ground breakers and such a wonderful young man) took our group around to The South African Council for the Blind, Phaphamani Rape Case Clinic and Amadoda Okwenene for men. All of these different clinics help in the community and are always looking for funding. Then Einstein (not his real name of course this is just what they call him because he went to University) took us to get Hot Cakes a traditional South African dough. It was so good kind of like a donut but without the glaze. You could either get liver or mince meat inside of them. I chose to have a plain one. :) Lat but not least he took us to his home. He was so proud of his room that his father and him built out back of their house. You see when you come of age you have to move out of your parents house.

Tomorrow we are back at Love Life to participate in their Reading Program. Yep you are right for thinking I didn't even tell you about that. You see there are way too many programs for young adults and children that they offer. I haven't even scratched the surface. You will see a few more programs they have in my pictures.

This is Einstein - such an amazing 23 year old. He built his house
with his father and was so proud of it. He is going to go places. 

Einstein with his family. 

Eating our "fat cakes" Einstein introduced us to. They were so so so good. 

Thandile Gladile Community Developer for South African national Council
for the Blind. She is helping other blind people and parents of blind children learn
to cope and live life to the fullest. 

This is DJ he is in charge of a radio station at Love Life. He is another
ground breaker that does a radio station and between songs talks about prevention. 

Oh did I forget to tell you that Love Life also has a computer room of 8 computers
with another ground breaker teaching adults and youth how to complete basic Microsoft computer
programs. Isn't Love Life absolutely amazing?

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